C. Vincent Spicer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Address: 65 Coming Street, Office 210
E-mail: spicercv@cofc.edu
Personal Website: http://spicercv.people.cofc.edu/


University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Ph.D., 1999

Research Interests

My primary research interest falls within the broad area of stereotyping and prejudice. I am particularly interested in examining the effects of stereotyping and prejudice on members of stigmatized groups. More precisely, this interest focuses on investigating the extent to which stereotyping and prejudice significantly influence the social identity and self-efficacy of members of culturally stigmatized groups, particularly in situations where a negative cultural stereotype about the group is relevant. My research interest also extends to the examination of implicit biases. I am particularly interested in implicit biases that result from an incongruency between one’s implicit beliefs and attitudes about a group and one’s explicit beliefs and attitudes about that same group.

Courses Taught

Social Psychology
Psychology in the Workplace
Special Topics in Psychology: Cross-Cultural Psychology
Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination